SmartCane: an active cane to support blind people through virtual mobility training
Meinhardt Branig, Christin Engel, Lukas Jähn, David Gollasch and Gerhard Weber. 2019. SmartCane: an active cane to support blind people through virtual mobility training. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 327–328. DOI:
- Meinhardt Branig; Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany
- Christin Engel; Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany
- Lukas Jähn; Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany
- David Gollasch; Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany
- Gerhard Weber; Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany
Navigation and orientation in known and unknown environments is challenging for blind people. We developed a proof-of-concept prototype that aims to support blind people using force feedback on a white cane. The prototype combines a common cane with a robotic ball. This makes it possible to guide the user directly without the need of additional equipment or unfamiliar navigation methods. We present a concept to mount the robotic ball at the end of the cane as well as a way to calibrate and control it automatically. In the future the prototype can be enhanced and extended so it guides blind users directly and gives feedback about directions and covered movements with the cane. This may support blind people by giving virtual mobility training or helping in navigation scenarios.
Keywords. Mobility Aid, Blind Navigation, Smart Things, White Cane, ForceFeedback